Wrongful Termination

Fighting Back Against Workplace Discrimination

Workplace discrimination remains a widespread issue, impacting employees in California and beyond. If you have faced or currently face discriminatory treatment at work, you have legal rights to pursue justice.

Discrimination Based on a Protected Class is Illegal

Under Californias Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) and federal laws, employees cannot be treated differently or denied opportunities based on:

  • Age
  • Race
  • Pregnancy
  • Sex
  • Gender
  • Disability
  • Religion
  • National origin
  • Sexual Orientation
  • And other protected classes

Discrimination Can Happen in Hiring, Firing, Promotions, and More

Discrimination can occur at any stage of employment. Including, but not limited to:

  • Recruiting and hiring
  • Compensation and benefits
  • Job duties and shifts
  • Performance reviews
  • Promotions and training
  • Layoffs and terminations

Examples of Discrimination in the WorkplaceWorkplace Discrimination

Some hypothetical examples of potential discrimination include:

  • An older qualified applicant passed over for a promotion in favor of a less experienced younger worker
  • A female employee being paid less than male colleagues with similar skills and duties
  • An employee with a disability denied work from home options given to other employees
  • Laying off a disproportionate number of minority employees in workforce reduction

Scenarios like these can serve as warning signs of discriminatory practices. Our attorneys can investigate and build a case using such situations as evidence.

Workplace discrimination can occur in many forms. Contact us now if you feel you have been discriminated against by your employer.

Proving Discrimination

The experienced employment attorneys and G&I Law Group use various methods to prove discriminatory treatment, such as:

  • Presenting statistics indicating patterns of bias
  • Using comparators to show those outside the protected class were treated more favorably
  • Pointing to biased statements, emails, policies, or documents
  • Highlighting better performance and qualifications than the non-protected employees

The attorneys at G&I Law Group leave no stone unturned in gathering and presenting compelling evidence of discriminatory motives.

Examples of RetaliationWorkplace Retaliation Examples

Punishing, Disciplining, or Terminating employees for making discrimination complaints violates the law.

Retaliation provides grounds for additional claims. Some examples of retaliation after employees complain of discrimination include:

  • Demotion or pay/benefit cuts
  • Reduction in hours
  • Unsafe or undesirable assignments
  • Sudden discipline or termination based on pretext
  • Exclusion from meetings, communications, and other workplace activities
  • Harassment, threats, or verbal abuse

These tactics aim to punish and deter discrimination reporting, however, they provide grounds for additional legal claims.

Call G&I Law Group now if you have been retaliated against after complaining about workplace discrimination.

Harassment Can Also Constitute Discrimination

Treating employees differently through derogatory remarks, hostile threats, or harassment related to protected status is discriminatory. Such actions can create unbearable hostile work environments for the employee involved.

The attorneys at G&I Law Group can help you determine whether you have been a victim of workplace discrimination.

Disparate Impact May Constitute DiscriminationEmployment Law

Employment policies appearing neutral but disproportionately impacting protected groups can also be considered discriminatory.

Maintain Detailed Records of Discriminatory Conduct

Note each biased incident, with dates, witnesses, who was treated differently, and why you feel it was discriminatory. Documentation is key in proving discriminatory conduct by your employer.

Maximizing Compensation for Discriminationwork discrimination case

Successful cases can recover compensation for:

  • Lost income and benefits
  • Harm to professional reputation and prospects
  • Mental anguish, anxiety, emotional distress
  • Punitive damages in egregious cases
  • Attorney fees and court costs

The experienced attorneys at G&I Law Group use litigation tools like discovery, depositions, expert testimony, and settlement leverage to obtain full compensation.

Act Quickly to Protect Your Rights

Contact G&I Law Group promptly if you experience workplace discrimination in California. Early action increases chances of favorable outcomes.